Thursday, August 03, 2006


Hey, kids.

From now on, I will be posting to this livejournal blog: iWoman.

I have moved all of my entries here over to there.

I've had a livejournal in the past. They are much more user-friendly. On blogger you can, what, only type entries!

On livejournal, you can have user icons. You can respond directly to someone's comment, and the person will receive notification that you replied (if they also have an lj). You can have tags like "politics" and "books." People can click on the tags they want and only read blog entries that relate to those topics. You can put things in your memories, so you have easy access to your favorite posts (by you and other people).

You can easily friend people and communities! That way you can read all of the blogs you are interested in on one page, instead of having to click each person's individual blog.

LJ is much more about interaction. You can type in interests and find communities and people that like the same things as you.

I will still have my blogger, but I will not update it. I'm only keeping it so I can respond to my friends' blog entries here. But the cool people have lj.


iWoman said...

Yeah. I had one that I started in high school that I just stopped using in May. So... I just have a new one now.

iWoman said...

Yeah. I had one that I started in high school that I just stopped using in May. So... I just have a new one now.