Monday, February 19, 2007

Letters sent to my congressmen.


Senator Voinovich:

I have been following the recent story in the Washington Post about the horrific conditions at Walter Reed by Dana Priest and Anne Hull. I am appalled and sicked at the way our veterans are treated.

What are you going to do about these conditions?

The Republicans are supposedly so focused on "supporting the troops," but look at how the Republicans in power in Washington, D.C. treated them when they came home and the cameras were off.

Why aren't the Republicans noticing this matter? Why didn't you, the head of the ethics committee, ever notice anything? I hope you are ashamed.

I am outraged. And I become even more outraged when I don't see any of my elected officials stand up against this horror.

It is time for you, as an elected offical and as a human being, to demand an inquiry into why we cannot deliver health care to our veterans.

If you cannot fight this issue and draw attention to the lack of support given our troops by President Bush's adminstration--and by your own party members--then you do not deserve to hold your position.

Thank you,

[my name]


Senator Brown:

I have been following the recent story in the Washington Post about the horrific conditions at Walter Reed by Dana Priest and Anne Hull. I am appalled and sicked at the way our veterans are treated.

What are you going to do about these conditions?

The Republicans are supposedly so focused on "supporting the troops," but look at how the Republicans in power in Washington, D.C. treated them when they came home and the cameras were off.

Why aren't the Republicans noticing this matter? Why aren't the Democrats?

I am outraged. And I become even more outraged when I don't see any of my elected officials stand up against this horror.

It is time for you, as an elected offical and as a human being, to demand an inquiry into why we cannot deliver health care to our veterans.

If you cannot fight this issue and draw attention to the lack of support given our troops by President Bush's adminstration then you do not deserve to hold your position.

Thank you,

[my name]


Representative LaTourette:

I have been following the recent story in the Washington Post about the horrific conditions at Walter Reed by Dana Priest and Anne Hull. I am appalled and sicked at the way our veterans are treated.

What are you going to do about these conditions?

The Republicans are supposedly so focused on "supporting the troops," but look at how the Republicans in power in Washington, D.C. treated them when they came home and the cameras were off.

Why aren't the Republicans noticing this matter?

I am outraged. And I become even more outraged when I don't see any of my elected officials stand up against this horror.

It is time for you, as an elected offical and as a human being, to demand an inquiry into why we cannot deliver health care to our veterans.

If you cannot fight this issue and draw attention to the lack of support given our troops by President Bush's adminstration--and by your own party members--then you do not deserve to hold your position.

Thank you,

[my name]



sarah said...

I'm appalled by the number of homeless veterans. There's many shelters created JUST for veterans. Is this how we treat people who've fought for our country? "Support the troops" my ass.

iWoman said...

Re: the homeless. Yes. It is Vietnam all over again. Except this time citizens aren't treating the veterans like vermin--just the government. Unless you are a homeless veteran, then everything just goes out the window.

But cockroaches and mold in a veterans' hospital. And the government denying the health care they promised. Unbelievable.

I want some accountability, for once.